Go Bold With Lip Color for Your Boudoir Pictures and Make Your Photos Really Stand Out

December 20th, 2013

If there are two things you want to do when having boudoir photos done, they are to stand out and look glamorous. One of the easiest ways to show off your look and be more glamorous is to go bold with lip color for your boudoir pictures.

Your lip color is the perfect way to enhance your look and in combination with false lashes, smokey eye makeup and a foundation that makes your skin look polished, you can look your best.

For instance, don't be afraid to go with a vivid, rich color like a luscious red or coral. Even pink lips can stand out as long as they are rich in pigment. You don't even have to choose a traditional color but bright red and pinks are a popular choice in boudoir photos. One reason to choose a bold lip color is that photos sometimes don't show your makeup as well when the colors are light. It's the same reason you see newscasters wear a lot of makeup, the lighting can make the look more subtle than intended.

You can also enhance your natural beauty with a bold looking lip color. Those with thinner lips can plump up their look by using moisturizer then outlining the lip and adding a vivid color. Adding lip gloss to the finished look also creates a glamorous look but you don't have to gloss the entire lip; just the center of the top and bottom lip is sufficient in creating a sexy, polished look that is glamorous yet natural.

The point is to make your photo shoot an extension of your natural beauty but more glamorous and sexy than your everyday look. If you want to learn more about how you can be captured in a photo that will last a lifetime, simply contact us.

by Opie Janzer

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    utah boudoir photography

Should you go nude during your boudoir photo shoot?

December 5th, 2013

Wanna get naked?

That's not exactly the first choice for most people when walking into a photography studio, even if they're going in for boudoir photos. But it's something you should at least think about. Here's how to make up your mind if nudes are right for you.

  • Are you comfortable? This is obviously the first question to ask. but don't make it a knee-jerk reaction. You are not fat or ugly. You are you, and that's who should be represented in your boudoir photos. That being said, if you're not comfortable being naked, the photographs will reflect that. You want to be sexy in these photos and being comfortable is being sexy.
  • There are degrees of naked. You don't have to bare all for a nude boudoir shoot. If you're only comfortable with bare shoulders or a bare back, that's fine! You can cover up parts of yourself, or go for the "full Monty". It's entirely up to you. 
  • Who's your photographer? Because you'd better like them and be comfortable around them if you're thinking about doing a nude photo shoot. Get to know your photographer so they can put your mind at ease, calm your nerves and answer any questions. It also helps them to know what you're comfortable doing and whether you'd like to try and test your limits. This should all be done well before you ever step in front of the lens. 
  • Lighting is magic. Well, not quite magic, but lighting can do wonderful things to ease your mind. If you're concerned about how you look (even after reading the first tip!), your photographer has a lot of tricks up their sleeve. Remember, they're the experts, they know how to flatter. Talk about it with them first.

Going nude for boudoir photos can be liberating...even a little daring. It's not for everyone though. If you're considering going naked, take some time to think it over. Then, contact us to talk it over. We can answer any questions you have and put your mind at ease.

by Opie Janzer

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    utah boudoir photography sexy classy nudes

Boudoir Photography: The Best Grooms Gift

November 13th, 2013

On your wedding day, you'll promise to love and care for your new husband in sickness and in health. If you're looking for a way to also say, "And, how about we keep it hot, too!" you really can't go wrong with boudoir photography. Boudoir: the best grooms gift!

First, let's talk about what it is. In French, boudoir refers to a lady's bedroom or dressing room. It comes from the French verb, bourder, which means "to be sulky." Ooh la la! Taken tastefully and with your taste in mind, boudoir portraits become classy, sassy, and outrageously fun. 

I love what Carrie Denny, Philadelphia-based all-things-wedding writer at phillymag.com, had to say about her experience with a boudoir photo shoot last year. Denny went in a wary skeptic and after her experience boldly declared that every bride ought to consider a boudoir shoot.

According to Denny--and I couldn't agree more--the magic of the boudoir shoot happens when you enlist the help of a photographer you trust. With the right photographer, a wardrobe that makes you feel sexy, and a welcome and comfortable atmosphere, the boudoir shoot becomes a fun mini-party with girlfriends. To make it literal, bring those girlfriends along! 

It's easy to see the appeal for your groom. A sexy portrait serves as a permanent reminder of the gorgeous woman they married. But it's pretty terrific for you as the bride, also.

I love the way brides transform during a boudoir shoot--when they tap into the beautiful and bold women underneath. Although you may be doing what you don't normally do, looking differently than you normally look, and even feeling differently than typical, what comes out during this shoot is charmingly real and authentically you.

Although you may initially embark on the boudoir adventure as a gift for your groom, inevitably it becomes a gift for yourself. Perfect.

I'd love to help you create the perfect gift for your groom (and yourself). Contact me to talk ideas for your boudoir photo gift.

by Opie Janzer

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    utah bridal boudoir photography

Christmas Boudoir Special

November 4th, 2013

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    sexy boudoir christmas special utah lingerie

boudoir: sexy halloween costume

October 28th, 2013

Does your man fantasize about coming home from a long day at work to find you answering the door wearing a corset and high heels? Or maybe when he sees you cleaning the house with no make-up, hair pulled sloppily into a ponytail, wearing sweats and an oversized t-shirt, he closes his eyes and envisions you sporting a little French maid's outfit complete with fishnets and black spikes standing on a chair waving a feather duster ever so delicately as you stretch to clean the ceiling fan?

Are you too shy to incorporate sexy outfits into your regular wardrobe?

If you are shaking your head yes, thinking that's me, I may have just the right recipe to bring a little sexy into your life. As Halloween presents the perfect time for you to step outside the box or dare to deviate from your usual attire, I have a wide selection of boudoir: sexy halloween costume ideas to make your man's trick or treat memorable this year.


How about being a sexy kitty on Halloween? Picture yourself in thigh high boots, a fitted, leather mini skirt with a leopard skin tank top and just enough extra make-up to compliment a wild hairdo that is completely out of the ordinary for you, complete with a headband with ears.


Think red hot, like the little devil you can be only on Halloween, of course. Think scarlet red stockings, matching leotard with a complementary, glossy sash draped around your waist and arm-length, red velvet gloves that harmonize with your devil's horns and bossy pitchfork to boot.


Picture the most prim and proper, stylish yet conservative, safe taupe-colored trench coat that fits snugly enough to show off your curves, while leaving a little bit to the imagination about what is underneath it all. Maybe balance your gal Friday's outfit with a coordinating fedora or detective's floppy hat and attach those handcuffs to your coat belt positioned to create a slit that shows just enough leg to reveal a naughty, garter belt when you take a stride.


The notion of cleaning house will not enter his mind when he sees you in a freshly pressed, crisp black and white, classic French Maid's outfit featuring a skirt so short he can see the gareters holding up your stunning, thigh-high jet-black fishnet stockings. Let your hair cascade down to frame your dewy make-up alluring enough to invite temptation.


Remember the Jeannie in the bottle who made her master's wishes come true with the spirited nod of her head? Think belly-dancer with frilly, risky blouse tied in bow at your bosom, puffy parachute pants and erotic turban on your head. Add sensual, smoky make-up and respond to your man's wildest commands almost on demand with a wink of your eye and bob of your head.


If you went to private school as a girl, you probably remember turning the waist down in your skirt to make your uniform just a little bit sexy. Recreate those teenage years and feed his fantasy of that bad school girl with a button-down blouse secured the whole way to the collar, standard ascot, and perfect, pleated, plaid skirt, matching knee highs, with patent leather shoes. Do not forget to add simplicity to the sensuality with  minimal make-up and classic pony tail.

If you want to surprise your sweetheart with a sexy halloween costume, please contact us to find out more about the outfits, professional make-up and themed Halloween ideas we have.

by Opie Janzer

Miss M

September 20th, 2013

Mercedes booked my bombshell photo shoot and added on shooting with a vintage car outside.  She had a ton of different looks for her shoot.  After the shoot she purchased an 8x8 album with a photo wrap cover and 45 of her favorite images inside.  Check out just a few of my favs from the shoot.

by Opie Janzer

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    utah boudoir photography vintage car
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    utah boudoir photography vintage car
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    utah boudoir photography vintage car
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Salt Lake Boudoir French Bedroom Photography

September 5th, 2013

Check out some of the photos coming out of my new french bedroom set I'm offering at the boudoir studio.  We now have TWO bedroom sets for you to shoot in for your boudoir pictures.  The original bedroom set is the black and red bedroom.  The new bedroom is french boudoir themed with dusty rose pink drapes, a french bed crown, a stunning carved ivory bed from England, champagne and ivory bedding.  Finally, we have another chaise lounge but this one is hot pink.

For the "Juliette" photo shoot we went with a white bustier bridal lingerie and a stunning floral hair piece.  Her lip color compliments the dusty rose colored drapes.  For the 2nd outfit we went with a nude colored bustier and added in some pretty pink roses for a pop of color.

by Opie Janzer

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    nude llingerie salt lake photography
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    french boudoir bedroom pink utah photo
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    bridal lingerie salt lake picture boudoir
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    pink drapes white lingerie photo
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    pink rose lipstick
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    pink rose lipstick

New French Bedroom Set!

July 6th, 2013

I'm so excited to announce that the new french bedroom set is ready for photo shoots!  We are still waiting for the stunning carved cream french bed but the wallpaper, french bed crown, rose pink drapes, and hot pink chaise are all in the room and ready for pictures.  This cream and pink french themed bedroom set is a great addition to the already popular red and black bedroom set.

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    french boudoir bedroom
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    french bedroom crown
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    pink drapes and white
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    pink french bedroom boudoir
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    hot pink french chaise
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    hot pink french chaise

Miss C

June 17th, 2013

Check out Miss C's sexy boudoir pictures.  I love the black and white one on the bed and her gold corset was stunning!  Classy and sexy.

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    salt lake lingerie photography
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    salt lake lingerie photography

Salt Lake Boudoir Photography

June 12th, 2013

Check out Jeanette's sexy boudoir pictures we shot in my studio located in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Hair and makeup done by the talented Kristen Packard.

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    salt lake boudoir picture
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    utah boudoir photography
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In Person Viewing and Ordering

April 24th, 2013

In Person Viewing and Ordering

I'm sure some of you have noticed that I'm no longer doing online galleries for ordering boudoir pictures and am now doing in person orders.  As a boudoir client this might seem like a disadvantage but it's actually a very big advantage and here are the reasons why.

1.  Same Day Viewing!  - Right after your boudoir session I process your pictures while you go out and eat some lunch.  When you come back you'll view the entire set as a slide show. 

2.  Lightroom is faster than an online gallery! - We sit down together and you pick your favorite images by saying "Yeah, I like that one!" or "Hrm, Maybe" or "No, delete it!".  I'm flagged these on the computer in Lightroom. This super fast on the fly flagging is not available in any online gallery since web browsers are slower at displaying images.

3.  Side by side comparison - Often times there are 2 or 3 shots that are similar.  In Lightroom I can put these images side by side so you can quickly pick your favorite one.  This means you won't be having similar photos in your boudoir album.  You'll end up with a better variety of images.

4.  Advice and feedback on images - Often times you'll end up liking 60 images but you want to purchase an album with 25 images.  This means you need to pick your top 25 images and remove the rest.  This is really hard to do alone and often times people will break down and not decide on anything.  This is where I offer up help and advice in picking the top images for the album.

5.  Retouching and Editing - We can discuss what you want me to retouch and edit for the images you select for your album.  It can be something in general where I'll do it for all images or some images you want more editing done.

6.  You can view products in person! - With online galleries your only able to see a photo of the product you want to purchase but if your placing your order at the studio then you can pick up the product and look at it in person to make sure it's the one you want to buy.

7.  You get your pictures faster! - Since I'm processing your photos the same day as the shoot and your ordering right afterwards then you'll have your boudoir album in your hand within about 1 week after the shoot.

Share a Session

March 2nd, 2013

Utah Valentines Day Boudoir Photography

January 10th, 2013

Valentines Day is just around the corner and the sexy lingerie shoots have already started.  If you are looking for a gift for him then a valentines day themed lingerie boudoir shoot is the perfect unexpected gift.

Valentine Day Boudoir FAQ

January 7th, 2013

I've been getting a bunch of emails about Valentines Day shoots so I thought it would be a good idea to post some FAQs on the blog.

Is there enough time between now and Valentines day to do a shoot and get a book done?

Yes!  I'm doing Valentines day shoots all the way up until Feb 9th.  However, I recommend doing your shoot before Feb 1st if you want an 8x8 Diva album.  If you want a disc or 5x5 Sexy Little Black Book then you can do your shoot all the way up until Feb 9th.

Do you have Saturdays available?

Yes, I have a few Saturday openings available right now.  Also, I'm doing a boudoir marathon on Feb 2nd if you want to do a 30 min VDay mini shoot at the studio. 

What openings do you have for Valentines Day Shoots?

You can check the calendar and book your shoot online HERE


What specials are you doing for Valentines Day?

I'm doing a 30 minute mini shoot marathon on Feb 2nd for $65!  Also, I have 3 product packages for Valentines Day that include an album, disc, and VDay card. 

Saturday Opening

January 7th, 2013

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that I just had a Saturday open up on my schedule for January 19, 2013 for a boudoir shoot.  If you want to book that day you can do it online here: https://qktract.com/c/2HGz9OIC.html

Valentines Day Boudoir Albums

December 28th, 2012

These are packages for PRODUCT ONLY. Your photo shoot is separate.

Cover Options

December 5th, 2012

Cover options for Diva (8x8 Inch) and Lux (10x10 Inch) Albums

Christmas Last Date

November 26th, 2012

The last shoot date before Christmas is Dec 15th! 

Christmas delivery is still possible if you do your shoot before that date.

Black Friday Sale

November 22nd, 2012

Black Friday Sale!


Use Coupon Code: blackfriday

Halloween Mini Photo Shoot

October 16th, 2012

Halloween Mini Photo Shoot

20 Minute Session at the Studio

One Costume

Digital Negatives


Women only, please arrive with hair and makeup done.

Book Online


October 5th, 2012


July 21st, 2012

Lexi traveled all the way from North Carolina for her boudoir pictures.  She did the shoot for her husband and used his army gear and dog tags in the photos.  Hair and makeup was done by Cali at Beautiful You Makeup.

Boudoir in a Car

June 19th, 2012

I put together a really fun creative shoot featuring sexy boudoir lingerie with a blue vintage car.  I shot these images up a near by canyon in the woods. 

Sam from Something Vintage Something Blue provided the lovely classic car.  The fur wrap I found off of Etsy the black lace bra and panty lingerie came from Journelle and the satin peach and lace romper came from Victoria's Secret.  The black thigh high stockings came from Stockin Girl and Daria brought her own pair of sexy black heels.  Hair and makeup was done by the very talented Janae Johnson

Bridal Lingerie

April 26th, 2012

Check out this stunning bridal lingerie being offered by Journelle.  Isn't it romantic?  If you are getting married this summer make sure you purchase a few lovely pieces to wear under your wedding gown and show your hubby on the honeymoon.