boudoir: sexy halloween costume

October 28th, 2013

Does your man fantasize about coming home from a long day at work to find you answering the door wearing a corset and high heels? Or maybe when he sees you cleaning the house with no make-up, hair pulled sloppily into a ponytail, wearing sweats and an oversized t-shirt, he closes his eyes and envisions you sporting a little French maid's outfit complete with fishnets and black spikes standing on a chair waving a feather duster ever so delicately as you stretch to clean the ceiling fan?

Are you too shy to incorporate sexy outfits into your regular wardrobe?

If you are shaking your head yes, thinking that's me, I may have just the right recipe to bring a little sexy into your life. As Halloween presents the perfect time for you to step outside the box or dare to deviate from your usual attire, I have a wide selection of boudoir: sexy halloween costume ideas to make your man's trick or treat memorable this year.


How about being a sexy kitty on Halloween? Picture yourself in thigh high boots, a fitted, leather mini skirt with a leopard skin tank top and just enough extra make-up to compliment a wild hairdo that is completely out of the ordinary for you, complete with a headband with ears.


Think red hot, like the little devil you can be only on Halloween, of course. Think scarlet red stockings, matching leotard with a complementary, glossy sash draped around your waist and arm-length, red velvet gloves that harmonize with your devil's horns and bossy pitchfork to boot.


Picture the most prim and proper, stylish yet conservative, safe taupe-colored trench coat that fits snugly enough to show off your curves, while leaving a little bit to the imagination about what is underneath it all. Maybe balance your gal Friday's outfit with a coordinating fedora or detective's floppy hat and attach those handcuffs to your coat belt positioned to create a slit that shows just enough leg to reveal a naughty, garter belt when you take a stride.


The notion of cleaning house will not enter his mind when he sees you in a freshly pressed, crisp black and white, classic French Maid's outfit featuring a skirt so short he can see the gareters holding up your stunning, thigh-high jet-black fishnet stockings. Let your hair cascade down to frame your dewy make-up alluring enough to invite temptation.


Remember the Jeannie in the bottle who made her master's wishes come true with the spirited nod of her head? Think belly-dancer with frilly, risky blouse tied in bow at your bosom, puffy parachute pants and erotic turban on your head. Add sensual, smoky make-up and respond to your man's wildest commands almost on demand with a wink of your eye and bob of your head.


If you went to private school as a girl, you probably remember turning the waist down in your skirt to make your uniform just a little bit sexy. Recreate those teenage years and feed his fantasy of that bad school girl with a button-down blouse secured the whole way to the collar, standard ascot, and perfect, pleated, plaid skirt, matching knee highs, with patent leather shoes. Do not forget to add simplicity to the sensuality with  minimal make-up and classic pony tail.

If you want to surprise your sweetheart with a sexy halloween costume, please contact us to find out more about the outfits, professional make-up and themed Halloween ideas we have.

by Opie Janzer