In Person Viewing and Ordering

April 24th, 2013

In Person Viewing and Ordering

I'm sure some of you have noticed that I'm no longer doing online galleries for ordering boudoir pictures and am now doing in person orders.  As a boudoir client this might seem like a disadvantage but it's actually a very big advantage and here are the reasons why.

1.  Same Day Viewing!  - Right after your boudoir session I process your pictures while you go out and eat some lunch.  When you come back you'll view the entire set as a slide show. 

2.  Lightroom is faster than an online gallery! - We sit down together and you pick your favorite images by saying "Yeah, I like that one!" or "Hrm, Maybe" or "No, delete it!".  I'm flagged these on the computer in Lightroom. This super fast on the fly flagging is not available in any online gallery since web browsers are slower at displaying images.

3.  Side by side comparison - Often times there are 2 or 3 shots that are similar.  In Lightroom I can put these images side by side so you can quickly pick your favorite one.  This means you won't be having similar photos in your boudoir album.  You'll end up with a better variety of images.

4.  Advice and feedback on images - Often times you'll end up liking 60 images but you want to purchase an album with 25 images.  This means you need to pick your top 25 images and remove the rest.  This is really hard to do alone and often times people will break down and not decide on anything.  This is where I offer up help and advice in picking the top images for the album.

5.  Retouching and Editing - We can discuss what you want me to retouch and edit for the images you select for your album.  It can be something in general where I'll do it for all images or some images you want more editing done.

6.  You can view products in person! - With online galleries your only able to see a photo of the product you want to purchase but if your placing your order at the studio then you can pick up the product and look at it in person to make sure it's the one you want to buy.

7.  You get your pictures faster! - Since I'm processing your photos the same day as the shoot and your ordering right afterwards then you'll have your boudoir album in your hand within about 1 week after the shoot.