Make-up Monday: YouthMud vs. SuperMud

January 19th, 2016

      If any of you live in Utah like me- your skin is is probably in that dry, zombie, winter face phase. Not fun! The good old desert air makes it nearly impossible to get rid of that dull, grey skin and keep up on exfoliation. Enter here- Glamglow to the rescue! I've been using this product for roughly a year now. I have pretty thick skin (many layers) and so exfoliation for me is key. Do not be deceived by the small packaging here. A little product goes a very long way! 

  The "YouthMud" treatment is great for getting a deep exfoliation. (A word to the weary- if you have sensitive skin, try a small amount of product on the inner side of your wrist to make sure your skin does not have a reaction). Expect some light activity ie:tingling but not burning for the first few minutes. Remove the mask after 10 minutes and voile, you're 10 years younger with a gorgeous dewey glow! I use this mask about once a week, especially during the winter.

      Now let's talk "SuperMud". This mask is everything! If you are prone to acne, blackheads or just large pores, this mask does it all. A magic green goo- my secret weapon. This product has chunks of Eucalyptus leaves in it which smells delicious. After washing it off I always have such tight, clean looking skin.

Every New Year's my family and I snowmobile out to our remote cabin in the woods. I am responsible to bring our yearly mask, and this time around my mom and I did the Supermud clearing treatment (my skin was a little grumpy after all the sugar I had been consuming over the holidays and needed a deep clean). As you can see, ask the mask dries it turns light green. Roughly 10 minutes) 

If you are interested in trying this product out- now is the perfect time because they are offering 15% off to new customers! Purchase here:



Guest Blogger: Kristen Packard