Mini Boudoir Sessions and Marathons

May 7th, 2015

Mini Boudoir Sessions Suck!

In my honest opinion mini or marathon boudoir sessions are the worst experience for the client. Boudoir is different then any other type of photography because your wearing lingerie and most women aren't 100% comfortable when you first start the photo shoot. So if you book a deal that is a mini or marathon session with 1-2 outfits and 40 minutes without hair and makeup your going to be really disappointed. I've found that most clients need a 15-20 minute warm up time before they feel really comfortable with the posing and sexy facial expressions. Also, most people are nervous when they first arrive at the studio and having an hour for hair and makeup before the shoot allows people to relax before taking their clothes off. This first hour of hair and makeup makes a big difference on the comfort level of the entire shoot. We have a chance to talk and get to know each other while you get an awesome makeover.

Back to why mini sessions suck – so you get about 20 minutes at the end where you feel comfortable and then your rushed out the door so the next client can come in and have the same crappy mini session experience. Back to back photo shoots with a rush attitude. Then your told that you'll see your pictures in about 2 weeks in an online gallery. I hate that! I want to see my photos asap! This is why we have our clients view and order their photos the same day right after the shoot. Would you rather wait 2 weeks or 60 minutes to see your pics?

So, your pics are delivered in an online gallery and now you have to pick your favorites to purchase. This is so hard to decide! No help or feedback on what to do with the pictures or what ones are best. So your lost and put off making an decisions. Then your 3-6 months down the road and realized you never picked your favorite pics from your mini session. Crap!

Overall it's a crappy experience to be rushed through a mini session with only 40 minutes and then suffering through an online gallery to never decide on your pics. Your better off booking the full experience with hair and makeup, 2 hour shoot, tons of outfits, same day viewing and ordering. Boudoir is about having an awesome experience! That's just my 2 cents on the whole thing with having photographed boudoir for 8 years.

- by Opie Janzer