Your Maternity Photo Shoot - Are You Wearing Lingerie or Dresses?

April 6th, 2015

When you decide on a maternity photo shoot, you might turn to the internet for inspiration. The first thing you'll realize is that there are a lot of crazy people out there with a lot of ideas that you never would have considered--much less publicized. Suddenly, women who would never show off a lot of skin are flaunting their baby bump, which leaves you wondering: when it comes time for your maternity photo shoot, should you choose lingerie or dresses?

First, rid yourself of the notion that just because there's a lot of skin showing, it's indecent. There are some gorgeous photos out there that incorporate lingerie into a maternity photo shoot--many of them real works of art that you'll be delighted to take part in.

Next, ask yourself what your intended audience is for these photos. If you're going to share them with your family--your grandparents, parents, siblings--you probably won't want to use lingerie in that part of your shoot. On the other hand, you and your husband might well want to remember this time in your lives and be able to look back on it. Pregnant women are beautiful, and he thinks you're the most beautiful one of all. Would he appreciate a few lingerie-clad photos to remember this time with? It might be worth an extra shot or three to provide them for him.

Feeling nervous? Stop and look at yourself in the mirror. Look at all those curves: gorgeous, life-giving curves that you'll only get to have in quite this way a handful of times in your life. You are sexy--yes, even nine months pregnant and feeling like you're ready to pop. This is life-affirming. Would you like to celebrate these last few weeks of pregnancy in a way that you and your husband will remember forever? It will definitely be an experience worth having.

Ready to book your maternity shoot? Contact us to get it set up and ask any questions that you might have.
