Makeup Monday - Valentines Day

February 8th, 2016

There's nothing more sensual and feminine than a woman's lips. This week is all about how to get that perfect pout for Valentine's Day. Extra bonus- this look is non-transferable! Schwing! 

Step 1:

Start with well moisturized lips!

Take a small amount of brown sugar and mix it with a touch of olive oil. Rub the mixture in circular motions over lips to sluff off any dry skin. Rinse with water and pat to dry. 

Step 2:

Lightly powder over the border of your lip line. 

Step 3:

Choose a deep burgundy (or red) lip liner. Make sure it's nice and sharp! I used my favorite drug store find- Jordana Easyliner in Cabernet. 

Start at your cupid's bow, then proceed with the rest of your lips. Shade in the outer corners of your lips with the liner to create depth. 

Step 4:

Grab your favorite lipstick and a lip brush. Using a brush will help you get crisp lines and even coverage. I used my Luxie lip brush (that comes with a cute copper lid!) 

I used two different lip colors for this look to achieve an ombre look. The darker lipstick goes on the outer corners and the lighter lipstick goes on the middle of your lips. This gives the appearance of more full lips!

I used my new faves- NYX soft matte lip creams in Copenhagen and Prague. 

Step 5 (optional):

While the lipstick was drying I used some MAC gold glitter and pressed it into the center of my lips. Voile! Let's flaunt those gorgeous pouts this year for Valentine's!

