Makeup Monday - The Pink Egg
February 22nd, 2016
I have 6 sisters. Yes 6. Crazy I know! While visiting some of them in
San Francisco, one of my sisters witnessed me using my new Beauty
Blender and was fascinated. “What is that magical pink egg?!” She asked.
And thus, the pink egg obsession began. After sending one to one of my
sisters, they all coveted the magical egg and wanted one for themselves.
There’s proof in the pudding people, this patented beauty blender works
I’ll be honest, it’s a tad difficult to use at first. The first time I got mine, I tried to use it dry and thought it was the worst purchase ever. Clocking in at $20 I thought I had really wasted my pennies. Hence the reason I am writing this post- to fill you all in on how this crazy sponge works.
Step 1:
Fill a bowl with water or run the sponge under your sink.

The sponge should start at roughly this size:

Begin squeezing the sponge underwater until it doubles in size.
Once your beauty blender is completely saturated, give it a quick squeeze in a paper towel to remove any excess water.
There it is! You are ready to start using that bad boy!
I apply my product straight to my beauty blender and then with quick dabbing/rolling motions apply my foundation and concealer to my face. Stay tuned for an additional video of how I apply my makeup with my blender.
A note on cleaning your beauty blender- I clean mine roughly every 3 days. Add dish soap, use a bar of soap or use the soap that is sold with the blender. Squeeze and run under water until the sponge returns to its original color and the water runs clear.
Have any of you used a beauty blender yet? What do you think of it??