8 Stupid Excuses for Not Doing a Boudoir Photo Shoot

November 14th, 2018

8 Stupid excuses.jpg

    1. I need to lose weight.

First of all, throw the scale out. The number on the scale does not tell you how sexy you are or how beautiful you are. You don't need to lose weight to look good in your photographs! Also, good posing and lighting can take off weight instead of add to it. You are the perfect size for boudoir today.

    2. I don't know how to “look sexy”.

You are sexy and part of doing a boudoir photo shoot is to discover this part of yourself. I will help style your shoot and I will demo and coach you through the entire session. I'll show you the poses and facial expressions.

  1. 3. Lingerie isn't really my thing.

Perfect! Don't do it. I will photograph you naked if you would like. There are so many things to wear that are NOT lingerie.

  • Leather Jacket

  • Jeans

  • Tank top and pantie

  • Men's dress shirt

  • A robe

  • An oversized Sweater

  • Just Sheets

  • Just Panties

  • Artistic Nudes

    4. I like lingerie but I don't OWN lingerie

You have 2 options here. The first one is to go shopping for lingerie and build your collection. The second option is to use some of the studio lingerie. The studio has a wide variety of lingerie that your welcome to use for your session along with jewelry and shoes. I do ask that you bring your own panties if you plan on wearing the studio lingerie.

    5. I have no one to give the pictures to.

Great! You don't need to give the photos to anyone. Boudoir is all about YOU and feeling great in your skin. Boudoir is about investing in yourself and discovering a new sexy side of you.

    6. I'm too old for a boudoir session.

Are you alive and reading this? Then your not too old for a boudoir session. Your never to old to feel sexy. I've photographed women of all ages and I'm here to tell you that women get sexier with age. Women that are 40+ are some of my favorite clients.

    7. I have cellulite.

Girl, don't we all. Everyone has cellulite and it's not something that should stop you from doing a photo shoot. If you have cellulite, acne, bruises or scars then those things can be removed in photoshop.

    8. I don't have the money to spend on photos right now.

Women feel like they shouldn't spend money on themselves. A boudoir session is about going on a journey and discovering a new part of yourself. You can spend your money on a new Kate Spade bag or new pair of shoes but only a boudoir session will leave you with a new found sense of self worth. Plus I offer payment plans for your boudoir order.

Are you ready to leave the excuses behind and to book your boudoir photo shoot?

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