These high contrast black and white bodyscapes feature parts of your body in a classic and artistic way.
Fine Art Bodyscapes $75
This is the ultimate tease. I provide a sheer white tank and a spray water on your body creating a sexy wet look.
Wet Tank Set $75
Feel like a runway model with these Victoria's Secret couture black angel wings.
Couture Angel Wings Prop $100
This bonus set is available when you pre-purchase an album or collection for $2,500 or more. Take your session up a notch with fun neon lights. You can pose with our signature "Tease" neon sign, with other pink and blue signs, vintage vanity in the dressing room.
Neon Lights $75
Do handcuffs, collars, spreaders, and crops excite you?
Bondage Props $100
I have a wide variety of large couture robes that add some extra glam to your session.
Luxury Robe $100
We have a bunch of silver and gold body chains to add some excitement and texture to your session.
Body Chain Outfit $100
You can be a classic American Beauty with red rose petals. Can be shot with an outfit, implied nude, or full nude.
Red Rose Petals $100
Wanna get sticky? We drip honey all over your body and you play with it.