Head Shot Photography | Opie Beauty and Boudoir Photography | Salt Lake City Library

August 10th, 2023

I just love these classy head shots done at the Salt Lake City library. Nikki comes into the studio about once a year to update her headshots for her coaching and real estate businesses. Always a pleasure to photograph her.

Bridal Photography | Opie Beauty and Boudoir Photography | La Caille Bridal Photos

May 29th, 2023

Devyn and Tyson hired me to photograph their bridal session at La Caille. The forecast showed rain but we decided to still shoot at the location because it's a real beautiful location for photos. The rain did pick up towards the end of the photo shoot but we got a bunch of great photos to fill the gallery. Congrats on your wedding!

Grand America Wedding Photography | Opie Beauty and Boudoir Photography | Dan and Erika

May 22nd, 2023

Dan and Erika tied the knot on Saint Patrick's Day at the Grand America Hotel. They had a small wedding with about 50 of their close friends and family. The wedding colors were navy blue and mauve. Everything was so elegant! Congrats Dan and Erika!

Albion Basin Utah Bridal Photos

August 29th, 2018

Here they are my sister's Emily's bridal photos! We shot them at Albion Basin. The rangers have really been hard on photographers this year with requiring permits. They want $175 to shoot photos at this location!

Moab Utah Engagement Session

July 29th, 2018

Yes, this is my little sister Emily's engagement pictures. Emily and Nick decided to do their engagement session in Moab, UT. Of course they had to bring the dog for the photo shoot. Does she look like me?

Salt Lake City Utah Head Shot Photographers

July 16th, 2018

Check out Sarah's stunning head shot photos. She wanted some updated photos to use on her blog.

Salt Lake City Utah Headshot Photography

May 21st, 2018

I recently did headshots for a professional hair and makeup team. They wanted the photos to be simple and classic.

Salt Lake City Senior Photography - Destinie

May 1st, 2017

It's graduation time! I shot Destinie's high school senior photo shoot inside the studio and outside around the studio building. I love all the different outfits and looks we were able to get in a 1 block area.

Salt Lake City Utah Violin Head Shot Photography

December 30th, 2016

Julie contacted me for some violin head shot photos for her website. I love the results!

High School Senior - Max

May 24th, 2016

Check out Max's high school senior pictures! We shot these in downtown Salt Lake City. He wanted a hip urban feel to the pictures.

Photo Shoot Friday - Madison in the Garden

April 22nd, 2016

Check out Madison's beautiful high school senior pictures we did inside the studio's garden. She did professional hair and makeup and brought her prom dress to wear. Stunning! xoxo_opie.jpg

Your Final Year: What To Wear for High School Senior Pictures

March 25th, 2016

One of the most eagerly anticipated moments of a high school student’s life is the day of senior pictures. Whether you are more casual than formal, into denim more than glitz, or more geek than chic, you'll want to put some special thought into creating your senior portrait.  After all, this picture may end up on your grandparents’ wall. Your classmates will view it in future decades. The look will define you for who knows how many children might come your way.

So, what to wear for High School Senior Pictures? That is the question. 

It’s better to have more than enough selections to pull from than to wish you had thought to bring a special piece after you have already arrived at the photo shoot. As you gather items to take to the shoot location, keep the following in mind:

  • Bring your best black shirt or dress in case it is the perfect accompaniment one or more of the photographer’s backgrounds. Throw in something with a bit of glitter such as sequins or sparkle. 
  • Can’t make up your mind whether to go casual or formal? Why not try both and decide later? Dress jeans up or down with scarves or jewelry. Add a pop of color in a dress, a shirt, or top.
  • Remember that simplicity and solids work best, making you the focal point rather than busy fabrics and distracting patterns and colors. 
  • A tight-fitting, layered outfit can highlight the contours of a subject without taking over the photograph. So, too, a fitted leather or jean jacket can capture your personality as few other garment choices can do.
  • Bring back that favorite prom dress you paid such attention to finding. With what it cost, it deserves to live another day. 
  • Finally — the all-important shoes to go with your outfits. A variety of colors can work. So will black, nude, and taupe. To kick it all off, don't forget the boots! They’re good with almost any look.

If you have questions about what to bring for your high school senior session then Contact us to help plan your senior portraits.



What to Wear Wednesday - Spring Dress with Cardigan

March 2nd, 2016

For this week's what to wear Wednesday I created a video with ideas on wearing a spring dress for your High School Senior Pictures. Most High School Senior Portraits are done in the spring months of April and May so it's the perfect time to wear those spring colors. For more ideas on what to wear for your session check out Emily's Senior Pictures. She decided to wear 2 dresses, a skirt, and 2 pants for her session. She pick feminine details like floral prints and lace.

Utah High School Senior Photographer - Miss Emily

February 5th, 2016

Check out Emily's stunning high school senior photos! We shot these at Wheeler Farm. She had professional hair and makeup and 4 outfits for her shoot.


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    salt lake city high school portraits
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    high school senior photographer
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    utah high school senior photographer

Photo Shoot Friday - Elizabeth

January 29th, 2016

Check out Elizabeth's cute senior session that we shot all over Salt Lake City. She did professional hair and makeup and 4-6 outfits. She planned ahead and did her session in the summer prior to her senior year.


Photo Shoot Friday - Myranda Jo

January 22nd, 2016

Check out Myranda's cute High School Senior Pictures We shot these at the Salt Lake City Library and at Exchange Place.

When Should You Do Baby Photos?

October 27th, 2015

You've brought your new bundle of joy home. You're excited, ready to capture every milestone. Your camera probably doesn't even get put away anymore. Then it hits you: what you really need are professional photos that will highlight all the important moments in your baby's life. When should you do baby photos? There are several critical moments in your child's development that you'll want to capture so that you'll have those memories for a lifetime.


Newborn pictures should be captured within ten days of birth. At this photo shoot, you'll get all those adorable snuggly baby pictures that you'll cherish for a lifetime. Your baby can be snuggled in a basket, placed on a fuzzy blanket, or dressed in a variety of adorable props, most of which are handled at this age without protest.

6-9 Months

Around this age, your baby will be sitting unassisted. Unless you're religious taking pictures every month, wait until baby is able to sit up without wobbling or falling over. Ideally, you'll want to try to schedule the shoot before baby starts crawling, however! A baby who is mobile can be hard to keep up with and harder to pose.

1 Year--The Cake Smash

Cake smash photos are a popular milestone for many babies. Instead of simply setting down a slice of cake in front of your child on their first birthday to see what they'll do, you prepare a cake specifically for your baby, then let them play with it. You'll capture some amazing, colorful pictures that you'll cherish long past the end of your child's first year.

Each Year Around Your Child's Birthday

You will be amazed by how much your child will grow over the course of each year. By capturing a birthday photo each year, you'll develop a tradition that will allow you to keep track of all those amazing milestones. Schedule your photography appointment around your child's birthday to give you an easy reminder each year.

Ready to schedule a photography appointment for your baby? Contact us to see how we can create the perfect pictures for you.


Maternity Pictures - Wondering What to Wear?

October 19th, 2015

First-time moms and experienced veterans alike have found one of the most exciting moments during pregnancy - maternity photos Many women experience a juxtaposition during their pregnancies; at times, they feel huge, unattractive, and unfeminine. At others, they feel excited and matronly, sexy and desired. A maternity shoot is a perfect time to help capture those moments of feeling beautiful and full of life, and immortalize those emotions in photographs.

But when you've scheduled your maternity photo shoot, you must decide - "what to wear?" Fortunately, regardless of how far along you are or if you're pregnant with singles or multiples, dressing up for your maternity photo shoot is a breeze - and you likely have much of what you'll want already in your closet!


Go Maxi for Maximum Comfort

Maxi dresses tend to look amazing on pregnant bodies. They hug and accentuate your lovely pregnant belly, they drape around your legs and thighs, and they hug in around your torso - what's not to love? They also can be dressed up or down quite easily, giving you a range of looks to go with. Consider pairing one maxi dress with flat sandals and a wide-brimmed floppy hat, then switching to a cozy shawl wrap and bare feet.


Flowy Dress for Feminine Looks

Many women like to exaggerate the womanly, feminine qualities in their maternity photos, and it's a great strategy. Pick out a few sundresses that you really love, and aim for a few wardrobe changes to get as much versatility in your looks. Don't be afraid to really feminize your makeup, either! A pretty pink lip and a smoky gold eye will make you look flush with maternal love. Your hair can also get in on being "over-done" with big bouncing curls, or a loose French braid down your back.


The Sheerer, The Better

If you have a dress with lots of sheer layers, it will be gorgeous during your photo session. These kinds of materials hug a pregnant belly, and in just the right breeze trail out and behind to make a beautiful, wind-swept effect, turning you into a kind of gauzy baby-carrying goddess. If you have some sheer shawls or scarves lying around, they can also make excellent props during the shoot,s o be sure to bring them along!


Get a Little Bit Rural

Along with the dresses,you'd like to wear, bring your favorite pair of maternity jeans, a pair of boots, and a few comfy sweaters or plaid tops. Wherever you're shooting, having a more contemporary look to go along with your classic maternal looks will be a great accompaniment. You can also make the look a little more urban by swapping the boots for your Converse Allstars, and having a fun, laid-back approach.


Don't Neglect the Bling - or Accessories

It's always easy to ask your photographer how much you should take off during a shoot, so bring a bit more than you think you'll need when it comes to props. Do you have several necklaces, bracelets, and rings that you might want to incorporate? Bring them all, and ask your photographer for their keen eye. The same goes for big hats, scarves, and shawls. You can always play around with your props and fashion pieces while on set - the more options you have, the better!

Ready to put together your maternity photo shoot? Contact us for more ideas on getting your session together, or to schedule one today!

Salt Lake City Family Pictures - The Withee Family

October 16th, 2015

Check out these cute maternity family pictures I shot at Wheeler Farm in Salt Lake City. Jessica wanted a rustic style location for her family pictures. She will be having her baby next week. Congrats guys!

by Opie Janzer

Salt Lake City Utah Maternity Photography - Adriana

June 11th, 2015

Check out Adriana's cut maternity photo shoot we did over at the Salt Lake City Library! She brought 3 cute maternity dresses and we had fun finding modern backgrounds. Her baby is due around the 4th of July and she is having a boy! Congrats Adriana.

  • by Opie Janzer
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    utah maternity photography

We Have Moved!

November 9th, 2014

The studio has moved from Sugar House to downtown Salt Lake City.
Our new address is: 357 South 200 East Suite #305 Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Utah Head Shot & Glamour Photography

September 26th, 2014

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    black and gold photo box
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    matted prints in a photo box
  • Image of matted prints in a photo box
    matted prints in a photo box

Something Blue: Great Ideas for Adding a Hint of Blue to your Bridal Attire

August 18th, 2014

If you want to follow the tradition of having something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue included in your bridal attire when you get married, you may find that adding your something blue can be a little bit tricky.  Most brides do not incorporate a lot of blue into their wedding dresses, but there are many cute ways to hide a little blue in your accessories.

A popular way to add a little blue is to have a blue garter.  Some women decide to spice up the wedding night with blue under garments. A blue bobby pin is a cute way to hide a little blue in your up-do.  There are many cute ways to add blue to the soles of your shoes.  You can have your bridal party write wedding wishes on the bottom of your shoes with a blue sharpie. Nail polish is a fun understated way to add some blue to your manicure or pedicure. Another popular trend is to embroider the inside of your dress with your wedding date or groom's name in blue thread.  Of course blue jewelry is always a popular option as well.  

Once you have all your "somethings" added to your attire, be sure to ask your wedding photographer to get some cute shots of your somethings old, new, borrowed and blue.

You've put a lot of thought into every detail of your wedding, make sure you have a photographer that cares about all the little things as much as you do, please contact us for amazing wedding photography in Utah.

by Opie Janzer

The Origin of Throwing Rice at Weddings

July 21st, 2014

We know about wedding traditions but never the origin.  We need to understand the history and the reasons why these time-honored traditions occur instead of doing it because everyone else is doing it.  One wedding tradition is throwing rice at a couple after kissing the bride.  It showers down on them as they exit the area.  One answer is the bridesmaids hated the dress.  While this rumor seems sensible, it isn't true.  Here's the real reason why guests throw rice at the happy couple. 

Throwing rice goes back to the ancient Romans who threw wheat.  Wheat represents fertility or childbirth.  During this time, dried corn and oats were thrown too.  The Egyptians, Hebrews and Assyrians continued the wheat/oats/corn tradition because of their belief that the couple will have a bountiful life.  The Middle Ages is responsible for replacing wheat with rice, which resembled fruitfulness in childbirth.   The Tudor era in England threw shoes at the married couple.  Tribal cultures believed rice brought the couple together in matrimony.  In addition to these traditions, throwing rice is believed to provide prosperity and keep evil spirits away from the bride and groom.  

Today's weddings don't make throwing rice mandatory.  It stopped because of the possibility that birds died if they eat the rice.  It remains an option for couples to consider because the possibility turned out to be false.  Because of slips, falls and painful impact, guests can also throw rose petals, flower petals, birdseed or blow bubbles at the couple instead of rice.  Some venues have banned rice because it makes a mess and guests don't clean it up after the ceremony.  Noisemakers, streamers and confetti are also acceptable alternatives at weddings.  Foreign countries will throw rice, wheat or candy at the couple.  Some weddings forgo the tradition.  There are no wrong answers. 

Gold Edgy Bridal Photography

July 16th, 2014

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    utah wedding photographer gold bridal portraits
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    salt lake bridal photography wedding
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    gold wedding dress willow tree utah bridal photography
  • Image of gold wedding dress willow tree utah bridal photography
    gold wedding dress willow tree utah bridal photography