Your Final Year: What To Wear for High School Senior Pictures
March 25th, 2016
One of the most eagerly anticipated moments of a high school student’s life is the day of senior pictures. Whether you are more casual than formal, into denim more than glitz, or more geek than chic, you'll want to put some special thought into creating your senior portrait. After all, this picture may end up on your grandparents’ wall. Your classmates will view it in future decades. The look will define you for who knows how many children might come your way.
So, what to wear for High School Senior Pictures? That is the question.
It’s better to have more than enough selections to pull from than to wish you had thought to bring a special piece after you have already arrived at the photo shoot. As you gather items to take to the shoot location, keep the following in mind:
- Bring your best black shirt or dress in case it is the perfect accompaniment one or more of the photographer’s backgrounds. Throw in something with a bit of glitter such as sequins or sparkle.
- Can’t make up your mind whether to go casual or formal? Why not try both and decide later? Dress jeans up or down with scarves or jewelry. Add a pop of color in a dress, a shirt, or top.
- Remember that simplicity and solids work best, making you the focal point rather than busy fabrics and distracting patterns and colors.
- A tight-fitting, layered outfit can highlight the contours of a subject without taking over the photograph. So, too, a fitted leather or jean jacket can capture your personality as few other garment choices can do.
- Bring back that favorite prom dress you paid such attention to finding. With what it cost, it deserves to live another day.
- Finally — the all-important shoes to go with your outfits. A variety of colors can work. So will black, nude, and taupe. To kick it all off, don't forget the boots! They’re good with almost any look.
If you have questions about what to bring for your high school senior session then Contact us to help plan your senior portraits.